C. D. Peterson
People write memoirs and blog out of need; perhaps a need for therapy, a need to quench a vanity or to satisfy an adoring public. My need is to create a legacy; not a personal legacy for my descendants, but a legacy for a small cohort of a special generation. Any urgency detected in my writing is driven by my awareness that I am among “the last ones.”
Coming of age in the 1940s and early 50s, we are the last ones who personally experienced the scarcity of the depression, the patriotism during World War II and the exuberance in that brief, post-war period when we felt safe and when the middle class was born.
After the war, with the GI Bill, VA loans, and fully stocked store shelves, the country was all about getting back to normal. But for some, normal was gone. My memoir is about my New England farm family and about how normal evaded our reach
My blog works to insure that more will remember, some will learn, and none may forget those years.
Critics propound incompatible rules about memoirs: you can exaggerate, you can conflate, you can transpose, you can change names and places, you can omit, you can time jump, you can forget, you can even imagine and suppose, but you can’t lie, except for narrative purposes.
Though many of these events are more than 70 years gone, I have followed those rules.
Married for more than 50 years, I am the proud father of three fascinating children. Raised on my family’s dairy farm, I am an MIT graduate, a former Navy pilot, and a dedicated fly fisherman. My business career includes many years with International Paper Company and then with Danbury Hospital where I retired as Vice President of Planning and Marketing.
I have written five books on business subjects and a full scale history of Danbury Hospital. I have also written several pieces about fly fishing, a published poem and an award winning song. Recently, essays on which my proposed book is based have been published in several newspapers.
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Past Work:
Books by C.D. Peterson
“How to Leave Your Job and Buy a Business of Your Own” McGraw-Hill
“How to Sell Your Business” McGraw‑Hill
“Business Brokerage” John Wiley & Sons
“Staying in Demand – How to Make Job Offers Come to You” McGraw-Hill
“On Your Own” John Wiley & Sons
“Challenge and Change – A History of Danbury Hospital”
Audio and Video Tapes by C.D. Peterson
Audio Tape “How to Leave Your Job and Buy a Business of Your Own”
Audio Tape “How to Sell Your Business”
Video Tape “How to Leave Your Job and Buy a Business of Your Own”
Sony Video Systems – top selling business video
Miscellaneous Published Work by C.D. Peterson
Monthly column “Ownership” SUCCESS, magazine
Monthly Column “Minding Your Own Business” Business Digest
Weekly column “Mind Your Own Business” several newspapers
Quoted in Wall Street Journal, U.S.A. Today, Working Woman, Entrepreneur, Inc. and other publications.
Poem “Swimmer in the River”
Song “Fly Fishing the Big Hole” (Performed by Neptune’s Car – award winner)
Essay #1 “The Last Ones”
Essay #2 “A Child’s View of the War”
Essay #3 “The Short Happy Myth of the Stay-at-Home Mom”
Essay #4 “Saturday at the Movies 1950s Style”